Tag Archives: taser

Karbon Arms Touts Court Victory over Taser

In a press release on 1/30/2012, Karbon Arms, a Tampa, FL based manufacturer of electronic control devices (ECD), sent out a press release detailing what they described as a victory over Taser International’s “unethical behavior.”  Read the details below. Karbon Arms, a leader in electronic immobilization technology prevailed in the U.S. District Court. In the court filing, Taser International (NASDAQ: TASR) falsely accused Karbon Arms of violating a court ordered injunction. Karbon was vindicated of the baseless allegation by Rick Smith, Taser’s CEO, that Karbon is “seeking to evade the Court’s injunction through subversive means.” In the hearing to determine whether Karbon Arms is selling an infringing version of the … Continue reading

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