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Tag Archives: police technology
TASER-proof Clothing Project has webbed up a “TASER-proof” clothing project. The suggested mod is to use carbon-fiber strips in garments to make them “100% taserproof.” By inserting iron-on CF tape strips between layers of cloth, the space-aged material will allegedly conduct electrical energy from a TASER or stun gun away from the clothing’s wearer and into the CF strips to be dispersed without result. Skin penetration by the probes is supposedly rendered ineffective as well. Gee, it is too bad that modern law enforcement officers do not train to transition to other less lethal options when their CEW’s are ineffective. Oh, wait a minute… We do! This geek-inspired Hackaday Internet invention is … Continue reading
Posted in Officer Safety, Tactics, Taser, Technology
Tagged Officer Safety, Police TASER, police technology, TASER International
Zero Motorcycles 2013 Electric Police Models
Zero Motorcycles of Santa Cruz, CA has introduced police-specific 2013 electric motorcycles for street and on/off road patrol uses. This follows two years of testing with local California law enforcement agencies and the London, England police. I don’t know why I think these electric motorcycles are cool, but I do. I got to train on some of our big Kawasaki KZ1000’s back in the day, but I’m not a rider and I was never able to go to police motorcycle operator’s school. Something about not having sidecars for the dog. Still… Electric cars for policemen are not currently on my wish list. When a neighboring jurisdiction got Prius’s for their homicide … Continue reading
Posted in Street, Technology
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Counterfeit Money and the Patrol Officer
I was lucky to have taken a class in Fraudulent Documents when I was a detective. I found the entire subject riveting (really). Back at my agency, I get requests to examine currency for the officers when they are on counterfeit calls. I try to pass along some basics to the patrolmen, because there are a few shortcuts to identifying real money from fake. Quick ground school on the Federal Reserve Note: “Paper” currency is made from 75% cotton and 25% linen. To be durable and hard to reproduce, U.S. currency is more cloth than traditional paper, which is made largely from wood cellulose. The counterfeit pens you see used … Continue reading
Gov. Rick Scott Literally Shoots Down Police Drones
Okay, not literally, but I get a kick out of when people misuse the word. Anyway, Gov. Rick Scott signed into law this week legislation which will, in essence, keep law enforcement drones grounded by way of severe restrictions. Effective 6/1/2013, the Florida Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act would prohibit law enforcement agencies from using an unmanned aerial vehicle (defined as a drone in the act) to gather evidence or other information, or from using evidence obtained or collected in violation of the act in any state court of law. A drone is defined as a powered, aerial vehicle that: 1. Does not carry a human operator; 2. Uses aerodynamic forces … Continue reading
Posted in Humor, Legal, Misc., Technology
Tagged Florida and Drones, Gov. Rick Scott, Law Enforcement Surveillance, Police Drones, police technology
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Transparent Ballistic Shields by AP&T International
At SWAT Round-Up’s vendor area, I spied a product with which I am very familiar—transparent shields! I stopped at the booth and met with David Malouff, AP&T International’s Vice President for Sales and Marketing. We have been using AP&T’s 11” X 16” Level IIIa handheld transparent shields on operations for over 12 years. I told Malouff we were very happy with their attributes and performance. AP&T International is a corporation that specializes in ballistic protection through the use of their proprietary transparent material that is H.P. White Laboratory tested for ballistic integrity and compliance to current NIJ Level IIa through IV standards. The advantages to a transparent shield are obvious. … Continue reading
Intrepid Networks “Sting” Police Technology
If there is one thing I have noticed that is lacking in our tactical operations and drug busts, it is a solid situational orientation to our ground assets in a fluid incident. For example, when coordinating a buy-bust takedown you may have multiple units working within the scenario: narcotics officers, confidential informants, SWAT members, uniformed patrol, heck, throw in a K9 team or two. Each of these personnel has distinct function, but often no one knows exactly where the other one is in relation to the target. Intrepid Networks, with roots in Central Florida, has designed their Sting software platform as a way to increase law enforcement’s situational awareness and … Continue reading
Posted in Florida Companies, SWAT, Tactics, Technology
Tagged police technology, SWAT Round-Up
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Police Technology. Meh.
There have been many technological changes in the last quarter century that have made the copper’s job…different. Not always better, but certainly not the same. When I started out, our duty belts held a .38 cal. revolver (S&W M64), 2 HKS speedloaders, large Motorola MT500 portable radio, handcuffs, and rings for a full-length Monadnock PR-24 sidehandle baton and Mag-Lite. My agency made the switch to Smith & Wesson 669 9mm semi-automatics pistols in 1987. The firepower on a patrolman’s belt has definitely increased. We got hi-cap magazines for the S&W autoloader that topped off at 15 rounds. Forty-six rounds of 9mm sure beat 18 slow-to-reload wheelgun shots. My issued handgun … Continue reading
Special Operations Forces Industry Conference 2012
I just got back from the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, FL. This was the second year we attended the Exhibit Hall. There is some cross-over from military operations to police services, especially in the SWAT arena. Funding for military experimentation often leads to technological developments that trickle down into law enforcement. While I doubt our TAC van will be sporting a Dillon Aero Titanium Gatling Gun anytime soon, I am always interested in seeing new products for the Warfighter. You never know when some of these things will be the latest rage for those of us defending the streets. I was particularly pleased to speak to a … Continue reading