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Category Archives: Florida Companies
Riggs Shield for Mobile Police Protection
This week, one of my detectives, who has a relative in law enforcement product sales, brought a ballistic shield to work that was specifically designed for vehicle ambush protection by California Sheriff’s Deputy Robert Riggs. It is called the Riggs Shield and was conceived after one of Riggs’ partners was attacked in his cruiser. The Riggs Shield mounts on the inside of the driver’s door of a police car and is quickly and easily removed in the event the officer is attacked while seated. By grabbing the handle and pushing the shield forward and up, it pulls away for immediate use. Rated at NIJ Ballistics Level IIIa and Stab Level … Continue reading
Posted in Florida Companies, Protective Armor, Street, Technology
New SCCY CPX-3 .380 Pistol
In 2016, SCCY Industries will be coming out with their first .380 ACP pistol, the CPX-3. The Daytona Beach manufacturer’s new handgun will utilize SCCY founder Joe Roebuck’s patent-pending Quad-Lock system to stabilize the barrel and improve accuracy over their previous DAO guns. The Roebuck Quad-Lock will likely be featured on future SCCY’s. While maintaining the general looks of their 9mm Parabellum CPX-2 pistol, the CPX-3 will be just slightly smaller. A CPX-3 holds 10 rounds in its double-stacked magazine, so it will not be a micro-380. Pre-production photos show the “Dash 3” obviously bigger than a Ruger LCP or Kel-Tec P3AT. For those who feel those latter guns are … Continue reading
Wives Behind the Badge–Florida Auxiliary
Wives Behind the Badge is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization founded in California in 2008. They provide resources and emotional support to law enforcement families and serve as a positive voice for law enforcement in the community. Florida has recently opened a chapter of WBTB. A sample of Wives Behind the Badge programs includes: Online support forums for LEO wives. Families Behind the Badge: designed to extend the same support offered the main Wives Behind the Badge forums to family members of law enforcement officers. All family members are welcome – parent, grandparents, siblings, cousins, etc. HALOS: (Helping Aid Lost Officers’ Survivors) offers sympathy and support in the event of a … Continue reading
Posted in Florida Companies, Misc., Officer Down
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Liberty Ammunition Civil Defense Review
(Ed. note: Richard of and was kind enough to review this ammunition for me. He is a true gentleman, experienced law enforcement officer and writer, and a really bad joke teller.) Knocking someone through a plate glass window with a single shot from a pistol is the stuff of TV fantasy. Handgun ammo is just not that powerful. In fact, pistol calibers are generally considered marginal for stopping a violent attacker when compared to rifle and shotgun loads. Even so, there are definitely differences between handgun ammunition designs that can affect how quickly an attacker is stopped when shot. Some rounds have built reputations as being effective on … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Florida Companies
Marion County Sheriff Employs Crime Kiosks
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office has unveiled a new method for distributing criminal information to the community in the form of stand-alone kiosks. Modernizing a concept used by Sheriff Chris Blair decades ago when he was a detective, a trio of video screens mounted in a secure housing shows crime alerts, Amber and Silver alerts, missing persons, sexual predators, and public service announcements to citizens within minutes of their posting. The kiosks are connected to the Internet and information is uploaded to them by crime analysts. In addition to general crime trends, bulletins can be surgically sent to selected kiosks where it is determined the criminals or threats are specific … Continue reading
Posted in Florida Companies, Media, Technology
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Pistol Training Video on a Treadmill
Okay, my first reaction was, “Wow, that’s gonna be unsafe as hell.” At 1:24 minutes into the vid, I was a bit mesmerized, though. Nice shooting, Mr. Harrington. This is not a training method I would advocate, but it shows an excellent degree of skill. Mr. Harrington’s pedigree: Dave Harrington (a.k.a. “Super” Dave) is the President of Combatspeed LLC which is located in Tampa, Florida. Dave is a two time retired senior weapons instructor from the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. He has 23 years of military experience, the last 16 of which were spent in the Army’s Special Forces. He qualified as an … Continue reading
Posted in Firearms, Florida Companies
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Sticky Holsters for Concealed Carry
Mike Christoff started Naples, FL-based Sticky Holsters based upon his 25 years of experience as a police officer in Michigan and in Florida. Sticky Holsters use a proprietary material as the outer shell of the holster. I would not characterize it as “sticky” so much as it is “real grabby,” but that would not make for a good company moniker. Sticky Holsters makes 17 different sizes of its signature holster, so finding a fit for your handgun should not be a problem. The range of sizes travels from the tiny Beretta Bobcat to the FN 5.7. These are not only meant as pocket holsters (and you would have to be … Continue reading
Karbon Arms Shorts Out, Concedes to TASER
The U.S. District Court, District of Delaware has awarded TASER International $2.38 million in damages from patent infringements by Tampa, FL manufacturer Karbon Arms, LLC. Karbon Arms was also permanently restrained and enjoined from making, using, or selling any MPID or MPID-C, or any “substantial components” of their conducted electrical weapons thereof. TASER International filed its civil action against Karbon Arms in May of 2011. TASER claimed that Karbon Arms infringed on two (later three) patents held by TASER. In December of 2013, District Court Judge Richard Andrews cleared the way for a trial by ruling that Karbon Arms had infringed on TASER’s U.S. Patent 7,800,885. A trial date was … Continue reading
SWAT Round-Up 2013 Video Courtesy of Venture Ballistics Todd Garrett over at Venture Ballistic Composites sent me this cool video of the SWAT Round-Up 2013 competition. It captures the events’ preparation and perspiration. If you competed this year or visited the SRI, you might see yourself in the movie. Check it out. Thanks, Mr. Garrett! Randall
Posted in Florida Companies, SWAT
Tagged SWAT Round-Up International, Venture Ballistic Composites
Leave a comment Sells Black Site’s Carbon Fiber Chopsticks!
Who doesn’t need a chopstick that can withstand 500 degree Fahrenheit temps and about 1.8 million PSI of tensile stresses? We are talkin’ about eating Pho in the most dangerous places, safely! I saw these in‘s showcase. Black Site‘s weapons-grade chopsticks come with a baked-on food safe proprietary coating. They are made from 100% solid carbon fiber that is Made and CNC Machined in the USA. The Hybrid are Black Site’s round cross-section chopsticks that measure 9″ long and taper from 0.3″ to 0.1″ for the last 4.5″ of the stick. These are $75.00. Fancy quadrangle (square at the large end) chopsticks are The MIB, which retail for $125.00. … Continue reading
Posted in Florida Companies, Humor, Misc.
Tagged Black Site, Blade Show 2013,
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Looking for some NYC advice…
Hypothetically speaking, if I was in New York City for a few days (which I am), would I be in trouble if I showed up at La Guardia to check my firearm in luggage and had Speer Gold Dot hollow points in a manufacture’s container? My cousin, who is a Jersey cop, said they got a bulletin telling their guys not to carry hi-cap mags with hollow point bullets into the City, because NYC changed the laws in February to make these mags and bullets illegal with no provisions for LEOSA carry. I can’t seem to find anything on this online. Of course this is a purely an intellectual exercise, … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Florida Companies, Misc.
Tagged Concealed Firearms Carry, LEOSA, New York City
NavElite Trekker H Wrist Worn Compass Review
I remember a hostage rescue simulation, calendars past, that involved a rural house surrounded by very heavy woods. I was an ATL then. A sniper and I were tasked by the team leader with clandestinely scouting the location, staging the outer perimeter, and finding the best ingress to the target for the assault element. We kind of got disorie…un-uhhh…lost. Thankfully, it was just a training scenario. NavElite currently produces a compass that I would certainly recommend to active guys in SWAT. Wearing a wrist-mounted direction finder that has backlighting can be a huge advantage in tactical operations. Yeah, you could fool around with a flashlight and hand held lensatic compass, … Continue reading
SCCY CPX-2 Pistol Review
One of my buddies loaned his Ruger LCR to a co-worker for off-duty carry. The co-worker is a newer cop and she was short on funds after having a baby. It got me thinking that not everyone in the squad room can afford an expensive back-up piece. Introducing: SCCY Industries. SCCY Industries, LLC (pronounced “Sky”) makes handguns in Daytona Beach, Florida. After handling their Generation 2 CPX-1 and CPX-2’s at SHOT Show, I was impressed with the design and quality control of their 9mm polymer pistols. Fit and finish was above average, especially if you factored in the MSRP: $319.00 for the CPX-1 and $299.00 for the CPX-2! It elicited … Continue reading
Kel-Tec KSG Bullpup Shotgun Review
Finally! I waited two whole years from SHOT Show 2011 to SHOT 2013 to fire a Kel-Tec KSG bullpup shotgun. I really wanted to mount it on my shoulder to check out its maneuverability for room clearing. I wanted to test its ergonomics and controls. Mostly, I wanted to stack up with the boys and run a shoot house while wielding this particular shorty shotty. Well, at least I did get to fire the doggone thing. Cocoa, Florida’s Kel-Tec CNC debuted the KSG (Kel-Tec Shotgun) to the press two years ago. Since then, the KSG’s have been a little hard to come by–much like the KT RFB, which the KSG … Continue reading
Posted in Firearms, Florida Companies, SHOT Show
Tagged bull pup, Bullpup Shotgun, HK MP-5, Kel-Tec CNC, Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun, Police Shotgun, SHOT Show 2013
T.U.C.Rig — Tactical Under Carry for Equipment
A West Central Florida police officer/SWAT member has come up with a simple carry method for ancillary equipment with external clips or sheaths. She calls it the T.U.C.Rig for Tactical Under Carry Rig. Consisting of a nylon strap, single buckle, and hook and loop closure, it can secure items that have clips, such as knives and flashlights. It can also be threaded through pouches with belt loops or MOLLE attachments. The T.U.C.Rig mounts on the ankle, arm, or even on body armor vest straps. For the last two months, I have been using the T.U.C.Rig to tote my C.A.T. Tourniquet while on shift. I attach the hook and loop of … Continue reading