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Tag Archives: Concealed Carry
Walther Releases New PPS M2 Pistol
Walther Arms has released a variation of the PPS to the market, the PPS M2. The new PPS M2 has rounded looks that are more sleek than its blocky Teutonic predecessor, which is now called the PPS Classic. The 9mm M2 is shipping to local gun stores now. A .40 cal. version will come in the Spring of this year. The PPS M2 retains the same dimensions and basic functionality of the Classic, but the M2 has had its ambidextrous paddle mag release and Weaver rail eliminated. The magazine release is now a left side button. The PPS, or Polizei-Pistole Schmal, was introduced in 2007 and has been wearing … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun
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New SCCY CPX-3 .380 Pistol
In 2016, SCCY Industries will be coming out with their first .380 ACP pistol, the CPX-3. The Daytona Beach manufacturer’s new handgun will utilize SCCY founder Joe Roebuck’s patent-pending Quad-Lock system to stabilize the barrel and improve accuracy over their previous DAO guns. The Roebuck Quad-Lock will likely be featured on future SCCY’s. While maintaining the general looks of their 9mm Parabellum CPX-2 pistol, the CPX-3 will be just slightly smaller. A CPX-3 holds 10 rounds in its double-stacked magazine, so it will not be a micro-380. Pre-production photos show the “Dash 3” obviously bigger than a Ruger LCP or Kel-Tec P3AT. For those who feel those latter guns are … Continue reading
New CRKT Shizuka noh Ken Folder
James Williams’ history as a U.S. Army officer and martial arts instructor to military and police special units has led him to design a line of knives for Columbia River Knife & Tool. Personally, I own the Williams/CRKT Hissatsu folder and Heiho. With these combative blades in mind, I was happy to see yet another new Williams offering on the CRKT table at SHOT Show 2015: the Shizuka noh Ken. The Shizuka noh Ken is a smaller version of the very popular Otanashi noh Ken, from Williams’ drawing board for SOCOM personnel. But the 4.6″ bladed OnK is intended to be a large knife. Shizuka noh Ken dials down the … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Knives, Officer Safety
Tagged Columbia River Knife & Tool, Concealed Carry, CRKT, SHOT Show
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Shooting the New Glock 42 at SHOT Show 2014 Media Day at the Range
As I wrote in Glock Misses Perfection…, I was glad we made it to the Austrian (and USA) gunmaker early at SHOT Show 2014’s Media Day at the Range. There was so much controversy regarding the release of the Glock 42 in .380 ACP that I haaaad to shoot one. ASAP. I own several Glocks. A G23, sporting a 22 round stick magazine, Speer GDHP’s, and Streamlight TRL-1S, is my current nightstand pistol. I carry a Gen 4 G27 daily in my role as a detective sergeant. I am not necessarily a fanboy. I own and enjoy a safe full of other maker’s handguns, but I admire the utility of … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Glock, SHOT Show
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New Taurus View Revolver–Pushing the Limits of Minimalism
Taurus International Manufacturing, Inc. is pushing the envelope with the new “View” handgun. Where their large Judge model expanded the continuum in one direction, the View stretches the opposing limit for minimalism in a personal defense revolver. I was able to handle the View at Taurus’ SHOT Show 2014 booth. A few thoughts… Sporting a 1.41″ barrel and tiny hand grip, the profile of the View is smaller than even the most stripped down Smith & Wesson J-frame snubbies. My immediate concern is in the size of the handle. I have small-to-medium sized hands. When I gripped the View tightly, I could barely get my ring finger above the very … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, SHOT Show
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun, SHOT Show
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Mil-Spec Monkey Hoodie RAW
The weather was a bit cool last week when I was in NYC. I wanted to take something warm to wear that would extend below my waist and cover up the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 and holster I had stashed in my right front pants pocket. I bought a Mil-Spec Monkey Hoodie RAW last November and it was just right for the trip. I met The Monkey a few years back at SHOT Show after I had contracted him to make morale patches for BlueSheepdog, and then more for ThinBlueFlorida. We were very satisfied with his professionalism and his products. I didn’t get to talk to him this year, … Continue reading
New Ruger LC380 Review
Sturm, Ruger & Co. trucked out their new LC380 to SHOT Show Media Day. Since Ruger’s designated patch of real estate was at the very north end of the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club, we did not get to them until late in the afternoon. Some vendors were already packing up, what with the still chill temperatures and lashing wind. Aaron and I were hanging tough. When we stepped up to the table of guns, I bluntly asked the Ruger rep what they were thinking by making the LC380. I had an answer in mind, but I wanted to see what he would articulate. He told us that their thought … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged .380 ACP, .380 Handgun, Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Ruger LC380, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2013, Sturm Ruger
Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement Kodra Sidekick Ankle Holster Review
I’ll get this out right up front: I am not a big fan of the ankle holster for handgun carry. Okay, moving on. I have been asked about a good choice in ankle holsters for on duty wear. I favor the Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement Kodra Sidekick Ankle Holster for a durable and inexpensive way to leg-mount your firearm. Kodra is a ballistic nylon material, akin to Cordura (a brand name), that has good abrasion resistance and a softer texture than other standard nylon materials. Uncle Mike’s uses this to construct a wearer-friendly holster at a low price point. The Uncle Mike’s Sidekick ankle holster has a strap that loops … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry holster, Police Back-Up Gun
Galco Stow-N-Go Holster Review
Galco International began making gun leather as the Famous Jackass Leather Company in Chicago circa 1969. Probably their most known product is the Original Jackass Rig shoulder holster worn by Don Johnson in the Miami Vice TV show of the 1980’s. I was in college in 1984 when Sonny Crockett was running around Metro Dade toting his signature 10mm Auto Bren Ten in that Jackass Rig. It looked pretty cool then, but years down the road as a detective I tried a shoulder holster only to find that it is not exactly practical here in the tropical South. I do have a Galco holster that I wear in civvies, though. … Continue reading
Smith & Wesson Announces New M&P Shield Pistol
This week, Smith & Wesson unveiled their new M&P Shield semi-automatic pistol. Made to compete in the single-stack concealed carry arena, the Shield is a slimmed down version of their popular striker-fired polymer pistol offerings. By my calculations it is .25″ thinner than an M&P9, weighs 2.7 ounces less, and is .6″ shorter on the slide topline. It is available in 9mm or .40 S&W cal. I think with the law enforcement popularity of the full-sized M&P guns, the Shield will be a nice compliment to those who want a smaller version of their everyday duty pistol for secondary weapon or off-duty carry. It is a training advantage to carry … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged back-up gun, Concealed Carry, M&P Shield, M&P9, off-duty gun, Shield Pistol, Smith & Wesson
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Some Tips on Safe Concealed Firearms Carry
I carry a gun when I am off duty. A person who is trained in firearms handling and basic tactics, has studied the legal use of lethal force, and possesses a concealed firearms carry permit should as well. There have been too many incidents, especially over the last few years, where an armed citizen or off duty police officer could have stopped the killing in an active shooter situation. There are many more examples of this than I can mention. Read the news. I can say that this use of force must be held judiciously and only as a last resort, but it can be the final defense in an … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty, Officer Safety
Tagged Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty