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- Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 Laser Batteries
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- XS Express Sight Set for the Bodyguard 380
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Tag Archives: concealed carry gun
New Kimber K6s Revolver
Now we are talkin’! Kimber is set to release a brand new DAO revolver to the market in March of this year. The Kimber K6s is a six-shot, stainless steel .357 Magnum wheelgun with a 2 inch barrel and internal hammer. This one is aimed center-of-mass at the concealed carry crowd. The Kimber K6s has material milled from the revolver’s cylinder, resulting in an interesting series of alternating flats and curves. Like a Ruger LCR, the cylinder release is a push button affair. K6s’ action rotates counter-clockwise, like S&W, but unlike Colt. With pinned front and dovetailed rear sights, I am certain the aftermarket will already be tooling up for … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms
Tagged concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun, police revolver
Walther Releases New PPS M2 Pistol
Walther Arms has released a variation of the PPS to the market, the PPS M2. The new PPS M2 has rounded looks that are more sleek than its blocky Teutonic predecessor, which is now called the PPS Classic. The 9mm M2 is shipping to local gun stores now. A .40 cal. version will come in the Spring of this year. The PPS M2 retains the same dimensions and basic functionality of the Classic, but the M2 has had its ambidextrous paddle mag release and Weaver rail eliminated. The magazine release is now a left side button. The PPS, or Polizei-Pistole Schmal, was introduced in 2007 and has been wearing … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun
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New SCCY CPX-3 .380 Pistol
In 2016, SCCY Industries will be coming out with their first .380 ACP pistol, the CPX-3. The Daytona Beach manufacturer’s new handgun will utilize SCCY founder Joe Roebuck’s patent-pending Quad-Lock system to stabilize the barrel and improve accuracy over their previous DAO guns. The Roebuck Quad-Lock will likely be featured on future SCCY’s. While maintaining the general looks of their 9mm Parabellum CPX-2 pistol, the CPX-3 will be just slightly smaller. A CPX-3 holds 10 rounds in its double-stacked magazine, so it will not be a micro-380. Pre-production photos show the “Dash 3” obviously bigger than a Ruger LCP or Kel-Tec P3AT. For those who feel those latter guns are … Continue reading
Swab-its Creates News Website
Super Brush LLC manufactures the Swab-its® brand foam products, which are superior, lint-free swabs and applicators specifically tailored for precision gun cleaning. I wrote about them here. Swab-its now has its own website devoted to firearms articles, gun safety, shooting tips, and other useful information at Among the engaging articles in the inaugural edition are “Carry Concealed Tips” by gunwriter Jorge Amselle, “Succeeding with the Fundamentals” by shooting instructors Michelle and Chris Cerino, “Knife Sharpening” by outdoorsman Tom Claycomb III, and “To Magnify or Not to Magnify” by writer Sal Palma. Mosey on over and check it out. You might find an article about the history of Smith & … Continue reading
Posted in Firearms, Knives, Media, Misc.
Tagged concealed carry gun, SHOT Show, Super Brush LLC, Swab-its
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New Remington RM380 Pocket Pistol
Yet another new handgun officially launching at the NRA Annual Meeting 2015 is the Remington Arms‘ RM380. This .380 ACP caliber hammer-fired DAO sub-sub-compact pistol has an aluminum frame with a fiberglass reinforced nylon grip overlay. It will have a 6+1 capacity and a weight of 12.2 ounces. The new gun will ship from Remington’s Huntville, Ala. plant with extended grip and flush grip magazines that will release from ambidextrous buttons. Much like the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380, with which it will directly compete, the hammer-fired locked breech RM380 has a multiple-strike capability for stubborn
New Heckler & Koch P30SK Pistol
Heckler & Koch announced a SubKompact version of their popular P30 pistol at this week’s NRA Annual Meeting. The new double-stack 9mm handgun is designated the P30SK. SK, get it? P30SK has dimensions similar to a Glock 26/27. The HK is 6.42 inches in length, 4.57 inches high, and 1.37 inches wide. Bullets are launched from a 3.27 inch barrel. Weight is tallied as 23.99 ounces. The SubKompact can have a DA/SA trigger or HK’s Law Enforcement Modification (LEM) DAO “light strike V1” trigger at a light 5.4 ounce pull. The DA/SA is available with and without the ambidextrous safety/decocking levers. Dual slide releases are worn by all versions.
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged concealed carry gun, Heckler & Koch, NRAAM 2015
Ruger Adds 9mm to LCR Lineup
For you back-up revolver carriers, Sturm, Ruger & Company is introducing a 9mm version of their popular LCR platform. If you like having a secondary firearm chambered in the same caliber as your on-duty pistol, then this one may be your ideal belly gun. The Ruger LCR has rightly gained a solid following based upon its light weight, smooth cammed trigger pull, and reliable functioning. A 9mm round ups the foot pounds of energy delivered on target when compared to its .38 Special +P variation, though both still lag behind the .357 Magnum. Sharing the same 400 stainless steel monolithic frame of the .357 model, the 9mm LCR will come … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty, Street
Tagged back-up gun, concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun, Sturm Ruger
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TruGlo’s Tritium Brite-Site for Duty Use
Friends don’t let friends go on duty with stock Glock sights. Look around and you’ll see the friendless ones. For goodness sake, get those plastic things off your pistol! Tell your co-workers. Mine were switched out steel tritium night sights posthaste. I have nothing against the “dot and U” Glock sight picture. I have shot quite well with the plastic and paint atop a Tenifer slide. However, my issues are twofold. First, there is zero durability in a standard set of Glock sights. They cannot take the abuses of police duty use, period. Our guns get banged around miserably in uniform, and just somewhat less so in plainclothes. A handgun … Continue reading
Vacationing Cop Wears Mil-Spec Monkey Hoodie
Mil-Spec Monkey posted my photograph on his Facebook page wearing one of his MSM Hoodies. Thanks, Monkey! My wife shot this pic while we were hiking in northern California two weeks ago. We were on a coastal trail and I had just spotted a gray whale. Cameras up! Satellite imagery will show that the hoodie’s sleeves bear a Mil-Spec Monkey logo patch and ThinBlueFlorida patch (made by…the Monkey). My faithful Tactical Tailor Urban Operator Backpack (misnamed for this outing) carries the photo gear, water, snacks, and first aid (including tourniquet and QuikClot combat gauze). What looks like a wallet in the right front jeans pocket is my Smith & Wesson … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Off Duty
Tagged concealed carry gun, Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380
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New Remington R51 Pistol
Remington Arms Company is introducing the new R51, a modern interpretation of the the Remington Model 51 “pocket pistol” from the turn of the century. The R51 is intended to be a 9mm Parabellum concealed carry pistol with a single-stacked magazine and 7+1 round capacity. Its futuristic looking exterior disguises 100-year-old technology—in a good way. The original pistol was designed in 1917 by John Pedersen and incorporated his locking breech block and hesitation-locked action. Yeah, I’m not sure exactly how those work, either. But they do provide a low bore axis for the R51’s fixed barrel. Remington goes on to say the Pedersen action absorbs some of the kick as … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun, Remington, SHOT Show
Shooting the New Glock 42 at SHOT Show 2014 Media Day at the Range
As I wrote in Glock Misses Perfection…, I was glad we made it to the Austrian (and USA) gunmaker early at SHOT Show 2014’s Media Day at the Range. There was so much controversy regarding the release of the Glock 42 in .380 ACP that I haaaad to shoot one. ASAP. I own several Glocks. A G23, sporting a 22 round stick magazine, Speer GDHP’s, and Streamlight TRL-1S, is my current nightstand pistol. I carry a Gen 4 G27 daily in my role as a detective sergeant. I am not necessarily a fanboy. I own and enjoy a safe full of other maker’s handguns, but I admire the utility of … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Glock, SHOT Show
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New Taurus View Revolver–Pushing the Limits of Minimalism
Taurus International Manufacturing, Inc. is pushing the envelope with the new “View” handgun. Where their large Judge model expanded the continuum in one direction, the View stretches the opposing limit for minimalism in a personal defense revolver. I was able to handle the View at Taurus’ SHOT Show 2014 booth. A few thoughts… Sporting a 1.41″ barrel and tiny hand grip, the profile of the View is smaller than even the most stripped down Smith & Wesson J-frame snubbies. My immediate concern is in the size of the handle. I have small-to-medium sized hands. When I gripped the View tightly, I could barely get my ring finger above the very … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, SHOT Show
Tagged Concealed Carry, concealed carry gun, Police Back-Up Gun, SHOT Show
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New Glock Model 42 Misses Perfection by 2mm
Haters, Haters, Come Out to Play! Glock has drawn much ire from firearms fans, pundits, and trolls over the company’s decision to manufacture a single stack .380 ACP pistol (9 x 17mm), instead of one chambered for the more powerful 9 x 19mm Parabellum. That lousy little 2mm of case length, it seems, has raised a hue and cry. The Glock pistol platform is accepted by many as a reliable and durable firearm. Simple in its lack of external controls, it has developed strong followings in the civilian, Military, and law enforcement markets. Ah, but the Teutonic stubborness of this Austrian company. For many years, Glockophiles have clamored for everything … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, Off Duty
Tagged concealed carry gun, Glock, Police Back-Up Gun
New Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard 380
Smith & Wesson has announced a variant of their popular Bodyguard 380. This will be marketed as the M&P Bodyguard 380, adding to their Military & Police line. Noticeably absent from this gun is the integral InSight laser. When I first wrote at about the LAPD approving the Bodyguard 380 for on and off duty use, back in April of 2011, the Los Angeles Police Department had mandated that both the laser and manual safety be deactivated. This version solves one of those requests. I am ambivalent about the InSight laser. I have kept mine functional and I occasionally use it at the range. The activation buttons’ stiffness can … Continue reading
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 Laser Batteries
The Insight laser on my Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 fizzled out. I have had the gun for several years now. I function check the laser periodically, like most of my gear, since the Bodyguard is my often carried back-up gun on duty. I turned the laser on and it produced a weak light. Then it shut down entirely. No problem. Or so I thought. I fetched my original S&W box and owner’s manual. There is a tiny Allen wrench in the blue box. I mean it is super small hex key. It is nothing you would normally have on your workbench. The key is specific to adjusting, and also … Continue reading