Author Archives: Randall

Yes, It’s Florida Snow

From the Florida Highway Patrol: “Important Reminder: If you do not need to be on the road, stay safe and stay home! Snow, sleet, and ice can impact the roads and your ability to drive safely, especially if you are not used to the conditions, as many Floridians are.” Be safe out there. And warm. Randall

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Old and New Rides

This is not my photo, but it mirrors my career. I started out in a 1985 Dodge Diplomat squad car, like the one on the right. My latest cruiser was a Ford Interceptor, shown on the left. For me, it has been a 37 year wild ride from patrol officer to command staff and major’s clusters. Technology has progressed from Smith & Wesson Model 64 revolvers to Sig Sauer P320 semi-autos. As a rookie, I never thought I would be in SWAT or K9 or detective division. My career has been a dream job I could not have imagined. Randall

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Throwback to the 1990’s Ford Mustang SSP

Automobile Magazine recently published an article about the 1990-era Ford Mustang Special Service Police packages that were sold to New York State Police, California Highway Patrol, Florida Highway Patrol, and other law enforcement agencies. My local sheriff had some and I remember them roaring past us in

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FHP Does Dodge Right

It is no secret I love me a Dodge Challenger—I own a 2017 Destroyer Gray R/T. But this is pretty awesome. FHP tweeted:  “Troop G’s newest edition! 2019 FHP Dodge Challenger. New lighting package, Panasonic 360 degree HD cameras, 5.7 HP Hemi, traditional FHP paint scheme, & more. As you can see, we take aggressive driving seriously! Please slow down, buckle up, reduce distractions. We are watching.” I’m driving a 2019 Chevy Tahoe on duty, but I’d rather be working the gas and brake pedals on this ride. What do you think? Randall  

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End of an Era: They Destroyed My H&K MP5

This week, a vendor came to my police department to trade out our Heckler & Koch MP5’s. We had fielded 12 of these little subguns for 29 years. Our then-City Commission approved the purchase of the “advanced” guns following an active shooter in Palm Bay, Florida where four civilians were killed, fourteen wounded, and two outgunned police officers murdered in April of 1987. Having the MP5’s available to our TAC members meant the guns were on the street protecting citizens and officers on every shift, instead of the old school SWAT mentality of having weapons locked up at the station, only to be retrieved in an emergency. 

Posted in Misc., SWAT, Technology | 7 Comments

GeePlate Finger Rest for Glocks

Way back in August of 2012, I wrote a review of the GAP Enterprises Finger Rest Extension for Glock pistols. I have since been told that their website is offline and the product has not been available for about a year. I was contacted by, who is now making a similar product shown here. GeePlate stands for Glock Essential Enhancement magazine base Plate. Way back in 2012, I extolled the virtues of having an extra bit of purchase at the base of the

Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms | 4 Comments

Back to the Police Belt Knife

Back in the Dark Ages of the 1980’s, when I was a rookie, there was pretty much one standard knife carried by police officers and that was the now-venerable Buck 110. Along with a revolver, the sturdy lock back folder went in its leather pouch on an officer’s duty belt. The one-handed opening pocket knife had not yet been popularized. A new cop is often a “gadget guy.” You look for cool things to buy and hang on your belt or to stockpile in your car. Since knives are rarely issued to patrolmen, selecting one could be an important and fun endeavor. My feeling, at the time, was that the … Continue reading

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Just Out For a Jog…

My exercise regimen includes running through my neighborhood. Being outside for a workout adds to its relative enjoyment. Hey, it is still an unwelcome exertion. On one of my recent weekly runs, I was on a very affluent street with waterfront properties. About 50 yards ahead of me I saw a man…sprinting. He was not attired to jog. Hmmm. Dressed in long pants and a dark hoodie, the man crossed the road and cut the corner through the opposite house’s yard. Definitely not normal. A burglar? The residence from which he fled belongs to a noted local restauranteur. As I approached, I saw the home’s garage doors wide open with … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Misc., Off Duty, Tactics | 4 Comments

State Attorney Censures Officer

Florida’s Tenth Judicial Circuit has issued a “death letter” against a Bartow police officer based upon a social media post in November of last year. This should be yet another warning that police officers do not have First Amendment protections against opinionated, questionable, or inflammatory personal Internet postings. Ofc. Christina Arribas posted the following on Facebook under an alias name after the Presidential election: “Yes!!!! This year we lost two gorillas. One is in heaven, and one is moving out of the White House. One will be missed. One will not be.” Based upon this single post, State Attorney Brian Haas officially wrote to Ofc. Arribas that, “The evidence of … Continue reading

Posted in Legal, Misc. | 2 Comments

Where I have been and where I am going…

Hello, friends. My posting here took a hiatus while I worked very hard to be promoted to lieutenant late last year.  It paid off.  I spent several months in charge of our Detective Division, where I ran Burglary/Auto Theft, Robbery/Homicide, and Vice/Narcotics.  I was then assigned to my new home on the Midnight Shift, with command over our K9 Unit and SWAT Team.  Things became hectic. I miss my sergeant stripes, but the move to gold bars has not been without its own unique challenges.  I have a good crew with competent supervisors and motivated officers under my watch.  The adjustment is to let the shift do its work, monitor … Continue reading

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Grappler Police Bumper–More Ingenuity at Work

Well, this is different.  I like how, after deployment, you get a stand-off distance of about three car lengths for officer safety.  It is kind of caveman technology, but then, I’m not beneath using what works.  Tell me what you think. Randall

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Pasco Sheriff’s K9 Track This is video that the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office released of K9 Deputy Jim Hall and K9 Chris apprehending a hit-and-run crash suspect.  The 49 second snippet above does not do the track justice.  Click on the link below to WFLA and watch 8 minutes of the chase.  It gets good around 3:45 in the video.  Jimmy’s a good guy and was supervising his old K9 Unit when I was supervising mine, so we shared some training exercises.  Ahhh, watching his new dog work reminds me of the good old days… Randall

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SWAT Officers Inhale Fentanyl

Hartford, Conn. Police Department’s Emergency Response Team members serving a search warrant were exposed to heroin and fentanyl when a distraction device apparently dispersed the powder into the air of the residence on entry. Eleven officers were treated at a local hospital. Over 50,000 bags of fentanyl-laced heroin were found in the house. Fentanyl is 40 to 50 times more potent than street heroin and can kill through ingestion, inhalation, or even skin exposure. The Hartford officers immediately reported dizziness, nausea, and vomiting after securing the suspects. Team members were held overnight at the hospital for observation. All were subsequently released for duty. This is yet another example of the … Continue reading

Posted in Officer Safety, SWAT | 4 Comments

Broward Deputy Cleared in “Stand Your Ground” Case

In December of 2015, I reported that Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Peter Peraza was indicted by a grand jury for manslaughter in an officer-involved shooting. He was the first Florida law enforcement officer charged for an OIS in 25 years. Today, Broward Circuit Judge Michael Usan ruled in favor of Dep. Peraza’s Stand Your Ground motion and dismissed the charge. In July of 2013, Dep. Peraza responded with other deputies to three 911 reports of an armed suspect walking in an apartment complex. The suspect refused to drop his rifle and did not comply with the deputies’ commands. Deputies and a witness stated that the suspect pointed his rifle toward … Continue reading

Posted in Legal, Street | 3 Comments

Baton Rouge Police Murders

Three Baton Rouge area police officers were murdered in an ambush this morning. At this time, at least three other officers have been wounded, one black male suspect is dead, while two suspects are at large. The last fallen Dallas police officer had just been laid to rest this weekend and now more LE families have been tragically struck. My agency worked this week to prep for a BLM rally in a local park. A large thunderstorm quashed the protest, but it was a good practice run for our newer officers, who have not yet had to stand a line. Still, it added to the workload for all of us … Continue reading

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