This website was created to provide useful information to those in Law Enforcement, the Military, and concerned citizens. The content is based upon my opinions and observations from 37 years of sworn experience as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, SWAT Team Member, SWAT Team Leader, K9 Handler (Patrol, Narcotics, SWAT), Property Crimes Detective, Robbery/Homicide/Sex Crimes Detective, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and finally Major. After 33 years at a large agency, I spent four more years as a Captain as second-in-command at a very small department. If I go off on a rant about something under my skin, so much the better. I make no money from this endeavor, it’s just a hobby.
reach me at
Florida native (Gainesville/Jacksonville) Six yr. USMC vet./ 20 yr current Lieutenant/firefighter paramedic for JFRD/Also currently attending Flgateway police academey in Olustee Fl for a second carrer in public service as a law enforcment officer.
Good luck to you, Louis, and thank you for your impressive prior service. You are certainly hanging in there!
I have a BG380 and find the slide to be very difficult to retract manually. Is this common? Can the guide spring be changed out? Does it need the attention of S&W CS?
Great posts Randall, I used to live in Florida but now I am staying at PI.
Thanks, man!
Hey Sarge,
Ran across your site and hope all is well. Give everyone my best at the agency!
Hey, J! Good to hear from you. I’ll tell the guys you said hi. Hope all is well at your new cop shop.