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Tag Archives: SHOT Show
Aaron on SHOT Show Handguns
Randall, I missed you at SHOT this year. I was able to shoot the Kimber K6s and was so glad I did. Though compact, and just a little short for a meaty grip, the K6s still felt good in my hands. The sights are a bit low profile, but I was still able to obtain a sight picture rather quickly. Now for the best part. The trigger is absolutely amazing! Literally the most smooth DA revolver trigger I’ve ever laid finger on. I’m not as big a revolver shooter as many, but I have had the opportunity to spin several wheel guns. This trigger was the best, by far, without … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Firearms, SHOT Show
Tagged Kimber, SHOT Show, Sturm Ruger
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BLADE Show 2015
I arrived home from BLADE Show 2015 last night. My trip was on a nomad’s budget, so I drove up, spent one night, then drove right back. I was able to attend the show floor on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. It was rushed. There were 300 booths and nearly 700 tables of good things to see. Because of my abbreviated stay, I missed much, but I met some cool folks and saw some of the newest knives. In the next few weeks, I will be posting articles on what I learned, so keep TBF dialed in. Friday, I collected my Media Pass at Will Call and marched right into … Continue reading
Elzetta Explains Flashlight Candela Vs. Lumens
Elzetta Tactical Lighting’s Dave Barnett explains light measurement by candela in this video. He contrasts that with the measurement of lumens, which is another term you will see when buying a tactical flashlight. A little knowledge is power. Dave is a solid guy and I have spoken to him many times at SHOT Show. Their products have thoughtful design features. We drove nails into a 2X4 with one of their Bravo models the first year I was at SHOT. The flashlight still threw a perfect beam afterward and we were not the only ones to have beaten that particular sample!
Posted in Flashlights, Technology
Tagged Elzetta Flashlights, SHOT Show, Tactical Flashlight
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Swab-its Creates News Website
Super Brush LLC manufactures the Swab-its® brand foam products, which are superior, lint-free swabs and applicators specifically tailored for precision gun cleaning. I wrote about them here. Swab-its now has its own website devoted to firearms articles, gun safety, shooting tips, and other useful information at Among the engaging articles in the inaugural edition are “Carry Concealed Tips” by gunwriter Jorge Amselle, “Succeeding with the Fundamentals” by shooting instructors Michelle and Chris Cerino, “Knife Sharpening” by outdoorsman Tom Claycomb III, and “To Magnify or Not to Magnify” by writer Sal Palma. Mosey on over and check it out. You might find an article about the history of Smith & … Continue reading
Posted in Firearms, Knives, Media, Misc.
Tagged concealed carry gun, SHOT Show, Super Brush LLC, Swab-its
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New CODECAM Police Body Camera
I spied a couple of police body cameras at SHOT Show 2015. One was the CODECAM designed by HQ Industries, LLC. This is a low profile camera that can be carried in a uniform pen pocket or clipped to other items of clothing or MOLLE webbing. It even comes with a magnetic mount. HQ says theirs is the only camera with a built-in LED utility light. The CODECAM records video in 720p HD at 30 FPS and stores it on an 8 GB micro SD card, which can be removed for upload. Video is recorded, in color and with audio, to .MOV format. Over two hours of video can be … Continue reading
Posted in Officer Safety, Street, Technology
Tagged CODECAM, police body camera, Quiqlite, SHOT Show
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Gerber Strongarm Fixed Blade Knife
Gerber Legendary Blades as offered fixed blade knives for military use going way back to their 1966 Mark II fighter of Vietnam fame. Focusing on the needs of the soldier in real time, Gerber’s new Strongarm knife is Made in the USA for today’s modern warriors. This knife at SHOT Show barked SWAT use as well. Strongarm is a full tang fixed blade of 420HC stainless steel. 420HC is easy to resharpen and holds a decent edge. It is used in some of Gerber’s fixed blades for its toughness and durability. Blade length here is 4.875″ and it is coated in a black ceramic. The Strongarm stretches a measuring tape … Continue reading
Point Blank/Paraclete Shields at SHOT Show
Mike from Point Blank Enterprises demonstrates some of the features of their new Paraclete brand Phalanx shield. Paraclete also had several other new models with upgrades. Below are the specs for the Phalanx: Level IIIA+ protection Lightweight (24” x 36” with viewport) is only 20 lbs. 100% Boltless System Larger, more functional view port Wider ballistic protection at top V – shape added strength to the entire center length of the shield Three weapon mount platform on both sides Accurate handgun and long – gun deployment Better view at 12 o’clock and conversely when held inverted 6 o’clock position Mitigates ricochets and diverts away from center 3 important components offered … Continue reading
Posted in Protective Armor, SHOT Show, SWAT
Tagged lightweight ballistic shield, SHOT Show
Taurus Curve at SHOT Show
At SHOT Show 2015, I was able to leave my fingerprints on a Taurus Curve. No, Taurus Manufacturing did not unveil the new .380 ACP pistol at Industry Day at the Range. We had to settle for examining the firing pin-less version on the show floor. Well, if you are going to set it on a peg, I will pick it up. I have to say that as soon as I had the Curve in a shooting grip, my face twisted in an unpleasant way. Let me preface the next remarks with assurances to you that I have handled many, many handguns in my last 34 adult years. Holding the … Continue reading
New CRKT Shizuka noh Ken Folder
James Williams’ history as a U.S. Army officer and martial arts instructor to military and police special units has led him to design a line of knives for Columbia River Knife & Tool. Personally, I own the Williams/CRKT Hissatsu folder and Heiho. With these combative blades in mind, I was happy to see yet another new Williams offering on the CRKT table at SHOT Show 2015: the Shizuka noh Ken. The Shizuka noh Ken is a smaller version of the very popular Otanashi noh Ken, from Williams’ drawing board for SOCOM personnel. But the 4.6″ bladed OnK is intended to be a large knife. Shizuka noh Ken dials down the … Continue reading
Posted in Concealed Carry, Knives, Officer Safety
Tagged Columbia River Knife & Tool, Concealed Carry, CRKT, SHOT Show
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Elite Survival Systems New Pulse Backpack
Tony at Elite Survival Systems gave me a tour of their new Pulse 24 hour backpack. It is filled with great features, as you can see. I put it on and immediately tried to trade it for the one I brought to SHOT Show. Well, no rules against trying. The vented back panel and aluminum stiffening spine seem to keep the Pulse off one’s lower and mid-back, the spots where a loaded pack traps heat. I know this happens because when I took off the backpack I was wearing to put on the Pulse, I was sweating under the load. The Pulse, conversely, felt airy.
Galco QCL Quad Magazine Carrier!
Galco International had this beast on a display mannequin at SHOT Show 2015! I thought it might be one of those joke products designed to draw you into their booth, but, no, this thing has a purpose (other than stressing your rotator cuff). The QCL Quad Magazine Carrier was made at the request of soldiers heading overseas. In 1969, Galco made the “Original Jackass Rig,” which was a modular shoulder holster design with the intent to have components which could be swapped out. The QCL will hang on today’s Miami Classic opposite your full-sized roscoe. Brother, this will hold a lot of bullets. At 15 bullets in a standard M9 … Continue reading
Kimber Micro Raptor at SHOT Show 2015
Got a minute? Randall
New Ruger Handguns at SHOT Show 2015 Industry Day
Sturm, Ruger & Co. had a few changes to existing platforms at SHOT this year. Their LCR was chambered in 9mm for some increased potency while retaining its mainstream shootability. To bolster accuracy, the LCP was granted front and rear sights. To show off this model, one of the Ruger reps said they intentionally made the skeletonized aluminum trigger in anodized “Ruger red.” I found the 9mm LCR to be very controllable. As always, it is pleasant to fire. Since it is not nearly as hammering to the hand as its .357 counterpart, I think this 9mm ballistics upgrade from .38 Spl. will be popular. I thought the 9mm felt … Continue reading
German Sport Guns Will Make an MP40 in 9mm!
German Sport Guns GmbH proudly announced at SHOT Show 2015 that they will manufacture a 9 x 19mm version of their MP40 Schmeisser steel replica. The MP40 is the infamous World War II German submachine gun that GSG currently sells in .22 LR. Chambered for 9mm, the sub gun will return to its roots. I appreciate German engineering and I am as fond of my little BMW 3 series as I was my Heckler & Koch MP-5. The closest I have come to shooting a Schmeisser is in the Call of Duty video game series. I would love to have one of these subs in 9mm. The rep at SHOT … Continue reading