I’ll get this out right up front: I am not a big fan of the ankle holster for handgun carry. Okay, moving on. I have been asked about a good choice in ankle holsters for on duty wear. I favor the Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement Kodra Sidekick Ankle Holster for a durable and inexpensive way to leg-mount your firearm.
Kodra is a ballistic nylon material, akin to Cordura (a brand name), that has good abrasion resistance and a softer texture than other standard nylon materials. Uncle Mike’s uses this to construct a wearer-friendly holster at a low price point.
The Uncle Mike’s Sidekick ankle holster has a strap that loops through a hard plastic buckle and fastens back on itself with hook and loop to cinch the rig down on your leg. I find this method of securing much better than having two large hook and loop fields overlapping together to hold the holster shut. The strap and buckle on this holster decrease the tension on the Velcro, where in other holsters two sections of hook and loop pull against each other in an elastic tug of war to free themselves.
For the law enforcement officer, an ankle holster must stay put during foot chases and fist fights, while also securing the handgun. Uncle Mike’s Sidekick ankle holster has a snapped thumb break to keep the gun on board. It adjusts with hook and loop strips. The snap’s back is covered to protect your gun’s finish.
Some ankle holsters have large sheepskin or synthetic sheepskin-style pads to increase comfort. The Kodra fabric of the Uncle Mike’s holster has a soft hand. Thin closed cell foam padding is sandwiched between the nylon layers. The closed cell foam does not absorb moisture and keeps sweat from reaching your gun.
A calf strap comes with the Uncle Mike’s rig, but I don’t use it because the ankle holster’s curved cut and cinching system keep the assembly from riding down on the boot. Were I to wear it with low cut shoes, the calf strap would be welcome.
I have a size 0 which fits two inch barreled small frame revolvers and a size 10 for small autos. The 0 works just fine with my Smith & Wesson Centennial-style internal hammer revolvers. Either my Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 or Kel-Tec P3AT is snug in the size 10. I recently added an ArmaLaser TR1 to the P3AT. It still fits in the size 10.
I am not tall. I find that when I get in and out of the squad car, an ankle holster and gun hit the door sill. And retrieving a handgun from my left lower extremity in a stressful encounter is not on my list of Things to Do Today. Despite these personal gripes, many of my co-workers ankle carry their back-up guns and are just fine with it.
Uncle Mike’s Sidekick ankle holsters come in right and left hand, and are sized to accommodate guns from .25 ACP autoloaders on up to 4” barreled pistols and revolvers.
If you require or prefer this method of carry, for about $30.00, you can buy an Uncle Mike’s Kodra Sidekick Ankle Holster. It checks both boxes for sturdiness and for value.
Randall, is that an eight inch boot you’re wearing? Does the bottom of the holster rest on top of the boot or does the holster encircle the boot? Thanks and be safe.
I wear the 8″ 5.11 ATACs at work. In the photos, I have the Uncle Mike’s ankle holster cinched around the boot upper. It seems to stay put pretty well that way…
Thanks, Randall. I tried my G-27 in a DeSantis Apache over the boot without success. Back in the day, I packed a SIG 239 in an Apache, but I believe I wore six inch boots back then. For $30, Uncle Mike’s might be the way to go.
Carrying a gun holster is required and ankle gun holster is quite handy and comfortable. I also know one more website https://thinblueflorida.com/?p=3876 that has some very interesting ways of carrying gun holsters.