Mike Christoff started Naples, FL-based Sticky Holsters based upon his 25 years of experience as a police officer in Michigan and in Florida. Sticky Holsters use a proprietary material as the outer shell of the holster. I would not characterize it as “sticky” so much as it is “real grabby,” but that would not make for a good company moniker.
Sticky Holsters makes 17 different sizes of its signature holster, so finding a fit for your handgun should not be a problem. The range of sizes travels from the tiny Beretta Bobcat to the FN 5.7. These are not only meant as pocket holsters (and you would have to be a super large human to pocket carry a 5.7,), but because of the tactile properties of the material, they can serve as IWB holsters.
Sticky Holsters makes accessory Super Mag Pouches that hold pistol magazines, flashlights, folding knives, pepper spray, and other like items. Single and double pouches are available. In A-Frame mode the back flap mounts the pouch with or without a belt.
A new product for Sticky Holsters is the AnkleBiter Leg Rig. It allows you to use your existing pocket or IWB holster as an ankle holster. Again, the adhesive nature of the materials mates the holster to the rig. I strapped one on my leg and vigorously kicked to try and dislodge the holster or gun, but it stayed fast. And no SHOT Show visitor was injured.
The B.U.G. Pad is another product that affixes a Sticky Holster to the straps of an officer’s ballistic vest for back-up gun carry while on duty. It remains low profile under a uniform shirt. Both the B.U.G. Pad and AnkleBiter give you platform options for your Sticky Holster that do not force you to buy different holsters.
A Sticky Holsters employee was wearing a kydex holster (pictured above) that had printing directly on its surface. This is not a Sticky Holsters product, but I have an email off to the company that made the holster, courtesy of Mr. Christoff. When I find out more, I will let you know. Wonder how it would look with the TBF logo?
All sizes of the Sticky Holster cost just $24.95. The AnkleBiter and B.U.G. Pad retail for $34.95 and $9.95, respectively. A single Super Mag Pouch is $14.95; $24.95 will buy you a Dual Super Mag Pouch.
If you carry a handgun in the pocket as much as I do, Sticky Holsters are definitely worthy of consideration. I brought home a Sticky Holster for my Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380.
How do these compare to a Desantis Super Fly or Remora holsters?
Sorry I missed this question, M@! I love my Sticky holster and it is my EDC holster for my S&W Bodyguard 380. I ran into Mr. Christoff at SHOT 2015 and I thanked him for the holster, which has been in my pocket for over a year.
Do you make a holster for the Bodyguard 380 with Crimson Trace Laser? If so, how do I go about purchasing one? Thank you!
Corinna, Sticky Holsters makes a model for pocket 380’s with laser here: http://www.stickyholsters.com/products/sm-3-small-sticky-holster
I am looking for two left handed holsters, one for a S&W j-frame, 3″ barrel and one for a S&W K- frame, 2 1/2″ barrel!