Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Slain

OCSO Dep. J.S. PineOrange County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jonathan Scott Pine was apparently ambushed and murdered during a foot chase last night.  Dep. Pine was pursuing an auto burglary suspect that had fled from him, when the suspect shot Pine in a backyard.  Dep. Pine, a three year veteran of the OCSO, leaves behind a wife and three children.

The murderer was violent felon who had been released from prison in 2012 after serving just three years of a seven year sentence for two bank robberies in Maryland.  He committed suicide several houses away from Dep. Pine’s shooting.

Our condolences to Dep. Pine’s family and co-workers.


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One Response to Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Slain

  1. Aaron E says:

    This highlights the dangers of foot pursuits and of course the job in general. A tragic end to a valiant member of law enforcement trying to keep his community safe.

    A though to ponder is this – just like in a vehicle pursuit, officers need to constantly evaluate their surroundings to ensure the pursuit can continue in a reasonably safe manner. If a suspect disappears around a corner, wisdom would dictate to slow down a bit and “cut the pie” of the corner before rounding a blind area. Maybe the bad guy gets away, but it gives the pursuing officer that fraction of a second to observe a threat. Plus, good radio communications should help responding officers set a perimeter where the bad guy can be caught in numbers.

    As a hard charger myself its always hard to see a bad guy get away. However, I’ve seen plenty of cops get injured because they overran their ability to observe and act. Torn ligaments, broken ankles, twisted knees are the norm, but here a brother lost his life. Stay safe out there.

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