Five Police Officers Shot to Death in Four Days

black badgeA Riverdale, Ga. police officer was shot and killed this morning around 11:15 a.m.  He is the fifth officer to be slain by gunfire since Monday.  Although the total number of LEO’s killed thus far in 2016 is down, this week’s deaths mark an increase of 600% over firearms-related deaths from the same period last year.

On Monday, Deputy David Greer of the Mesa County, Colo. Sheriff’s Office stopped out with an armed juvenile, who shot Greer to death before back-up officers could arrive.  Deputy Greer is survived by a wife and two children.

Yesterday, Harford County, Md. Deputies Mark Logsdon and Patrick Dailey responded to a wanted subject at a Panera restaurant.  Dailey was shot inside the restaurant as he talked to the suspect.  Logsdon was fatally wounded in the parking lot.  Both deputies were married and had children.

Also yesterday, Officer Jason Moser of the Fargo, N.D. Police Department was on the perimeter of an armed, barricaded suspect call, when he was shot to death by the offender.  Ofc. Moser, who was taken off of life support today, had a wife and two children.

Finally, Riverdale PD Major Greg Barney was a perimeter officer at a search warrant.  The suspect fled his residence toward Barney and shot the Major in the chest.  Barney leaves behind a family.

This is not just some statistical uptick.  Good police officers have been murdered.  Let’s all practice the best situational awareness and officer safety that we can each minute in the field.  Stay sharp, stay safe.


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One Response to Five Police Officers Shot to Death in Four Days

  1. Mike says:

    This is heartbreaking. Their families will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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