While I am on revolver kick, Smith & Wesson is releasing a brand new Performance Center version of their Model 686 Distinguished Combat Magnum. This 7 shot L-Frame model will have a 2.5″ barrel, bead blasted finish, unfluted cylinder, and custom wood grips. There is a red ramp front and adjustable rear sight.
Other features to the PC 686 are a chrome teardrop-shaped hammer spur, chrome trigger with stop, precision crowned barrel, and a cylinder cut for moon clips. S&W’s Performance Center has tuned the action.
Aaron and I shot this gun at Media Day. The trigger in double action was silky smooth. In single action, the hammer dropped with a light click. S&W reports the trigger pulls at 10 lbs. and 3.5 lbs., respectively. A handworked action is a beautiful thing to feel.
My first handgun was a Smith & Wesson 686 in 6″ barrel, circa 1985. It was a lovely gun with its square latch and underlugged barrel. I added Pachmayr grips and a nice Bianchi leather holster. I unfortunately sold the gun to finance others many years ago. I wish I had it back.
On a side note, the 686 is reputed to have been carried by U.S. Navy Seals and other special operations groups for waterborne missions. Without a reciprocating slide to foul, a revolver was seen as a more reliable handgun for specific needs.
With some smaller grips, this new Model 686 would make an excellent off duty gun. It would look good at the barbeque, too.
Randall is right – this revolver was a dream to shoot. I’m not a big wheel gun master, but the grips felt like they were made from a mold of my hand. Very comfortable.
And the trigger was as silky as Randall claims. I’ve pulled several other revolvers DA triggers that were very difficult and inconsistent throughout the pull. Those triggers seemed to build up to a maximum pull only to drop suddenly. The 686 PLUS trigger (even at 10.5 lbs.) was enjoyable to pull – steady and smooth all the way through. And recoil was very manageable even for a 2.5″ barrel.
Some have complained about the trigger lock on the frame, calling it the “Hillary Hole”. I understand the frustration of the politics there, but I would still very much consider owning one of these revolvers. Very nice, very comfortable, looks great (minus lock), and shoots well. I was shooting about 1.5″ groups at 15 yards, and I’m not a regular revolver shooter.
For “not a regular revolver shooter,” you still manage to put people to shame. And your rifle skills are sick, bruddah.
mr. x-pert; s&w didnt make a 686 in 1985. it was a 586 “blued chrome-molly”.
Oh, I’ve never claimed to be an expert at anything but troll-spotting. The 686 was introduced by Smith & Wesson in 1980. And I think you meant chrome-moly, not what you typed. Thanks for playing.
Just came across this page while researching this revolver, and Randall, nice job schooling that idiot above! Got a kick out of that! And thanks for the review.
(takes a bow)
I have a PC 686, shoots very good ,tight group. It does not like reloads, have had several misfires. Factory ammo not one. Lock on side does not bother me. I live in Fl. jackass shoulder holster and light shirt works great.
I miss my 686, Jeff. Shooting this one at SHOT made me want to buy another. Sounds like yours works for you!
Shot mine a few times. Like it very much.
How would the 686 PC compare with the k6s? I know. We have to wait until they are offered on the market. They were available at the Shot Show this year did you have a chance to fire one. ?
James, I wish I could have fired a K6s, but I wasn’t at SHOT this year…