Tag Archives: Milspec Plastics

Milspec Plastics’ Cobra Cuff is NTOA Member Approved

Milspec Plastics touts their Cobra Cuffs as “the only patented double-locking, foldable, disposable restraint” on the market.  Strong, UV stabilized, and Made in the USA, the Cobra Cuff has a restraining strap riveted to the zip-tie to aid in prisoner control through leverage.  Milspec said their product has a 300+ lbs. assembled tensile strength.  Their latest press release is below. Randall MILSPEC PLASTICS COBRA CUFFS ARE NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICERS ASSOCIATION (NTOA) MEMBER TESTED AND RECOMMENDED Asheville, NC (August 2012) – Milspec Plastics, manufacturer of the patented Cobra Cuffs and distributor of additional arrest, riot control and personal security products for law enforcement, corrections, military and professional security agents, has secured … Continue reading

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